Monday, September 2, 2013

32 things

the tradition continues.  i came up with a list of things to do in the year of 32.  i realize that it is september and my birthday was in june so i'm a little late with this post.  i'm working on the procrastination (see number #23).  since it's been two months since my birthday, i've already completed several of my goals (so i'm not a total loser).  i am also in the middle of scuba certification (to complete last year's goals).  i completed the academic and pool portions.  i just have the ocean dives left.  we've had a tropical storm passing through here so the sea conditions haven't been good enough to dive.  hopefully this week the weather will calm down and i'll be able to finish up! here are my goals:

1. blog once a month2. run 10k and or half marathon3. inventory all home goods for renter's insurance-done4. go to Australia and New Zealand 5. pay more attention to current events 6. bench press 100 lbs7. squat my weight8. try 32 new recipes/foods9. do at least one act of kindness everyday10. watch an hour or less TV a day11. organize mp3 and digital pix12. organize pinterest and email13. learn how to use power tools14. grow own herbs and use for cooking15. see movie in Japanese theater-done16. get full kimono outfit and display17. go to Keramas-done18. go to Kyoto-done19. make frames for new artwork20. organize documents for emergency kit-done21. hike Mt. Nago 22. learn 32 new Japanese words23. procrastinate less24. do something that scares me25. focus on relationships more than tasks26. be able to paint right hand nails as well as left hand nails 27. master the art of small talk28. find something I'm passionate about29. smile more30. pay off undergrad 31. meet a real geisha-done32. learn how to really use my camera